Guess what Tnemrot fans, I’m finally updating the tumblr again. One page a day until all 24 chapters are loaded. Or, you can buy the books at Comixology or Indyplanet. And while there, why not check out what else I’ve[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Bromance
6 results.
092 – Paul’s 100th
A combination of me not being able to count and Paul skipping a couple of pages meant we were a little off, but he did eventually make 100.
Ah the repression of society. Wonder how many people in America would complain if dudes started hugging? Like they’re not even gay, they just randomly hug? Also, this is one of the places where I’m not sure if Paul’s changes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One thing I always liked about the blogs on LICD is even though those two constantly give each other shit, mostly Sohmer about Lar’s age, they won’t hesitate to pour out their hearts about how much they love working with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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